You can be assured that we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide. We provide neurosurgery services to patients of all ages.
Dr. Chaparro performs a wide range of procedures in the treatment of neurological disorders affecting the brain, spine and nervous system, including:
Brain Surgery
Brain Tumor Surgery
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Shunt - Insertion, Repair or Removal
Cervical Herniated Disc Surgery
Cervical Spine Reconstruction
Complex Spinal Instrumentation Procedure
Complex Spine Surgery
Corrective Spinal Surgery
Craniectomy, Craniotomy, Surgery of Skull Base, Neuroendoscopy
Dural Repair or Other Spinal Cord Repair
Epidural Block, Facet Blocks
Herniated Disc Surgery
Lamina Procedures (incl. Laminectomy, Laminoplasty, Laminotomy)
Low Back Procedure
Lumbar Laminectomy
Lumbar Microdiscectomy
Neck Pain Procedure
Neck Surgery
Pituitary Gland Tumor Excision
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
Spinal Cord Stimulation
Spinal Fusion
Spinal Nerve Block
Spinal Reconstructive Surgery for Deformities
Spinal Tumor Surgery
Spine Fracture Treatment
Spine Surgery